Animal testing
Amalakto creates products with respect for society, animals and the environment. Since its establishment, as it should, it does not test its products, but also their raw materials, on animals to check their safety and effectiveness.
The European Union, passing the new single regulation on cosmetics (1223/2009), banned the testing of cosmetic products on animals and since July 11, 2013 no cosmetic product available on the European market can be tested on animals. Many countries outside the European Union do not prohibit animal testing, such as America for example.
In addition, the issuance of the new European regulation on the claims of cosmetic products (655/2013) prohibits the communication of claims that the legislation defines as mandatory actions as this makes the communication misleading for the consumer. This means that expressions cruelty free, against animal testing etc. they are forbidden to be used in the European Union as they are considered misleading.
In addition, since the ban on animal tests is defined by legislation, there is also the corresponding control mechanism by the competent authorities from which any company can be called at any time and must prove its compliance.
Certifications from independent organizations and structures have no meaning as the European Union prohibits testing cosmetic products on animals.
Amalakto continues to design new products that are not tested on animals. Under no circumstances does Amalakto communicate the non-testing of its products on animals as an advantage of its products.